
Maruya Zenta

Delicious seafood from the Genkai Sea and around Kyushu

Sister restaurant to the popular Nishinakasu-based Maruya. It serves authentic Kyushu cuisine using select ingredients. Particularly popular are dishes made from fish caught in the waters near Kyushu, including the Genkai Sea. The aji sugata-zukuri is horse-mackerel sashimi that starts by scooping the fish live from a tank at the counter, resulting in unparalleled taste and texture. The casual atmosphere is also friendly to single diners.

Adress Nakasu Okabe Bldg. 1, 1F, 4-1-35 Nakasu, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
Tel 092-263-1886
Hours 17:00–2:00 (last order 1:30) Fridays/Saturdays until 3:00 a.m.
Days closed Sundays
Parking None